Cycling tour from Grugliasco to the Rocca of Cavour. In the morning it rains and in the afternoon sun mixed with dark clouds. Optimal temperature up to Cavour.
Very few cars around and only a few cyclists (they probably saw bad weather).
At the top of the Rocca there was (as always) an amazing panorama. You could see Pinerolo, Piossasco, Rivoli and Torino in the distance.
On the way back, I passed via the bike path up to Airasca, even if with very close black clouds. Full of people on the bike path: cyclists, pedestrians, skaters, etc... but unfortunately it rained from Vigone to Scalenghe. Then it was sunny again and it dried out.
Total Length = 110.9 Km
Maximum Altitude = 433 m
Temperature (°C) = 18.9 - 20.2
Felt Temperature (°C) = 19.0 - 21.0
Timing =
Grugliasco-Cavour: 1h 45m
Cavour-Rocca: 9m
Break at Rocca: 37m
Return (by Villafranca and Airasca's cycle path): 2h 9m
Navigator (to put on bike stem)

