Sometimes when you look for a new route ... I bet you search page by page, forum after forum, every index entry of every possible website. Isn't that right ?
But how nice would it be to have, on a single map, all the routes available in a certain area of territory ?!?
Well well, you've landed on the right website then !!
The map below has just this purpose. I've summarized into it all the routes I know and all the tours I have experienced over the years. To show, at single glance, the different routes available in each known area.
Because many times a cyclist just wants to see "what's good around" ...
But why include just information about the bike routes ?!
On a map, you can actually track lots of other useful details for a cyclist. Such as the location of many water fountains that can be found while cycling. Some data that I have collected/used personally over the years and which I still use today, for one reason or another.
To see this additional information, open the above map in full-screen mode and play with its display filters. Depending on the area and what you want to see.