Cycling tour from Grugliasco to Pavaglione. Sunny day in Val Susa, with lot of people on the cycle route.
The first climb section, from Vindrolere to Chianocco, is always tough and you have to be careful to save energy for what comes next. Hot ascent, though there were some clouds to cover part of it. Arrived in Pavaglione, refreshed at the fountain in the village and took fresh water.
On the way back, clouds all over the mountain tops and also near Vaie village. Took a few drops of rain until Avigliana, but in Rivoli the heat had already dried all the clothes.
Total Length = 90.3 Km
Maximum Altitude = 1010 m
Temperature (°C) = 19.0 - 24.7
Felt Temperature (°C) = 19.0 - 25.0
Timing =
Grugliasco-Bruzolo: 1h 29m
Bruzolo-Pavaglione: 47m
Break at Pavaglione: 31m
Return (same road to Bruzolo then SS25): 1h 32m
Navigator (to put on bike stem)

