Cycling tour from Grugliasco to the lake of Malciaussia. A lot of haze in the early morning, then the day became quite warm but still cloudy most of the ride.
Normal rhythm and speed up to Lanzo, finding many cyclists around but also several cars/motorcycles. Then turned for Germagnano and took the road towards Viù. Not a difficult climb up to Viù, approached calmly in order to maintain energy for the final part of the stage. In Viù, quick break to get some water and a snack.
The valley of Lemie is quite closed until just before Usseglio. Partially shaded, it allowed a cooler riding despite the strong sun that came out during the day. At the beginning it's up and down, then from Lemie the road climbs in the woods. To be faced with calm and constant rhythm.
At the end of this short uphill segment, a flat road to Usseglio allows to catch breath and to recover energies. The valley opens up here and is full of small villages, with several water fountains along the way.
Short uphill stretch to Margone, then in Margone begins the infernal slope ...
The final segment must be done very slowly and often making zig-zags on the road due to the prohibitive slopes. The road was closed to cars and motorcycles fortunately. They only let bicycles, hikers and very few cars through.
The view of the lake and surrounding mountains is gorgeous. Near the refuge there is a water fountain where it is also possible to take some great pictures. Then found a space by the lake to eat packed lunch.
Total Length = 146.6 Km
Maximum Altitude = 1805 m
Temperature (°C) = 20.5 - 31.4
Felt Temperature (°C) = 20.5 - 32.0
Timing =
Grugliasco-Viù: 2h 8m
Break at Viù: 12m
Viù-Margone: 1h 19m (+2m break at Crot)
Margone-Malciaussia: 34m
Break at Malciaussia: 1h 34m
Return (same route): 2h 44m (+2m break at Viù)
Navigator (to put on bike stem)

