Cycling tour from Grugliasco to Colle Braida. Very cold day. A bit of sunshine at the start, but arrived in Avigliana it had already disappeared and the sky was full of black clouds. Many cyclists around and very few cars.
Climb with several layers of winter clothing. Up to the crossroad to the Sacra of San Michele the weather was very cloudy and quite cold, but after that point the temperature dropped even more dramatically.
At the top it was 1°C. Changed quickly not to stay sweaty, took a breath and a few photos (no panorama available because you couldn't see anything below in the valley). Freezing downhill. Well covered with several winter layers. Eyes were freezing. Arrived in Giaveno, a few minutes' break to warm up a bit. Then continued on the way home.
Total Length = 61.2 Km
Maximum Altitude = 1007 m
Temperature (°C) = 2.2 - 8.6
Felt Temperature (°C) = 1.7 - 8.4
Timing =
Grugliasco-Avigliana: 43m
Avigliana-Colle Braida: 56m
Break at Colle Braida: 21m
Return (by Giaveno/Trana/Reano): 1h 3m (+3m break at Giaveno)
Navigator (to put on bike stem)

