Cycling tour from Grugliasco to Caselle. A bit cloudy day and much lower temperatures than the same tour last year. Several cyclists on the roads and just a few cars, probably due to fear for the flu. Even the plaza in Caselle was almost empty.
Total Length = 92.3 Km
Maximum Altitude = 429 m
Temperature (°C) = 11.6 - 13.0
Felt Temperature (°C) = 11.6 - 12.9
Timing =
Grugliasco-Fiano: 56m
Fiano-Caselle: 56m (+2m break at S. Carlo Canavese)
Break at Caselle: 19m
Return (by Rossignoli and then same route): 1h 40m
Navigator (to put on bike stem)

(not available)