Cycling tour from Grugliasco to Aquila. Beautiful day, but arrived at the finish line on top was still full of snow. Almost no one around. I got heated up in the restaurant before went back down.
Total Length = 68.1 Km
Maximum Altitude = 1259 m
Temperature (°C) = 11.5 - 16.9
Felt Temperature (°C) = 11.5 - 17.0
Timing =
Grugliasco-Giaveno: 1h 1m
Break at Giaveno: 12m
Giaveno-Pontepietra: 8m
Pontepietra-Aquila: 53m
Break at Aquila: 34m
Return (by Giaveno/Trana/Reano): 1h 12m
Climb Navigator (to put on bike stem)

